Mymble Bowl – Moomin Arabia
— In English —
Mymble dreams about finding the love of her life. Often, when there’s a new visitor in Moominvalley, she easily gets infatuated – especially to strong characters, whether it’s an athlete, police inspector or a profet. In the Mymble bowl from the Moomin Classics Collection, we see Mymble as quite the charmer, dressed in a ballet outfit. Mymble usually tighs her hair up in a bun, but on the backside of the mug, she has let her hair fall freely.
The illustrations are based on Tove Jansson’s comic “Moomin Begins a New Life” (1956) and novel “Midsummer Madness” (1954). Bottom stamp: by Arabia & Moomin with a paintbrush & character name in English. Illustration design by Tove Slotte. Material: Vitro-porcelain. Microwave, oven & dishwasher safe. Size: 15 cm.
— Suomeksi —
Tässä pinkissä Arabian Muumi-kulhossa nähdään rakastunut Mymmeli. Kauniin kuvituksen on tehnyt Arabian taiteilija Tove Slotte ja alkuperäinen kuvamateriaali löytyy Tove Janssonin kirjasta Vaarallinen juhannus. Koko: 15 cm. Materiaali: keramiikka. Konepestävä.
— På svenska —
På denna rosa Muminskål av Arabia ser vi den förälskade Mymlan. Skålen är illustrerad av Tove Slotte, och den är i linje med de ursprungliga teckningarna av Tove Jansson, från boken Farlig midsommar. Storlek: 15 cm. Material: keramik. Maskintvättbar.